SSS - Yacht Crew Turkey


It uses 2048 Bit SSL (OV) certificate for platform infrastructure. It is the most secure SSL certificate preferred by businesses, e-commerce sites and various institutions, requiring document submission and institutional verification.

Personality information is not shared explicitly.

Advertiser information is never shared.

In the case of CVs, the personal information (except for photographs) is confidential until the purchase.

 Very easy. You can register by clicking the Register button on the top right of the main page. Membership takes 30 seconds.

You can request password again by clicking the utt I forgot my password link on the screen you are trying to log in and typing the e-mail address you gave when you became a member. Your password will be sent to your e-mail address automatically.

You must have turned 18 for membership.

Membership to is free.

After logging in to, you can update all the information about your membership in the panel that you will reach by clicking on NAME at the upper right corner.

For employers or employee candidates to communicate with you well.

You should enter detailed information about yourself on the template that is available on the site. Writing which position you aspire helps to increases your chances of making the right calls.

The advertisement you have prepared should contain details about the job description of the professional you are looking for and you should tell the work you will have done clearly.

Writing the budget in your head increases the chances of making the right demands. You must also select the category correctly, or the wrong category may drop you back in searches. is emailing you notifications. With these e-mails you can keep track of how many times your CV has been reviewed. Just check your e-mail regularly. is emailing you notifications. Thanks to these emails you can keep track of who sent CV to your job posting. Just check your e-mail regularly.

Yes It is important that you create a CV, but you should also take a look at the employer's announcement. Maybe you can get the job that suits your position without waiting!

Thousands of people visit every day!

There's someone out there waiting for you to meet the qualifications you're looking for.

If you are looking for a faster solution, keep your CV up-to-date and update your information frequently.

The most important filter used by professional callers is Update Date and Which Position you intend to work

Kişisel izinlerinizin İYS sistemine kaydı için SMS bilgisi gerekli bir kimlik tespit aracıdır.

Yacht Crew Turkey’de bilgileriniz İYS (İleti Yönetim Sistemi) kapsamında her zaman güvende. Dilediğiniz zaman adresinden ileti izinlerinizi düzenleyebilirsiniz. ✍️ İYS sistemini bilmeyenler için kısaca özetlemek gerekirse: İleti Yönetim Sistemi, hizmet sağlayıcı firmaların müşterilerine tanıtım amaçlı ticari elektronik iletilerini (SMS, e-Posta ve arama yoluyla) gönderebilmek için aldıkları onayları saklayıp yönetebildikleri, alıcıların ise bu iletilere ret veya onay yanıtı verebildiği bir sistemdir. Alıcılar bu sistem üzerinden ileti almak istemediği hizmet sağlayıcılarını engelleyebilir. İYS, alıcıların izinlerini ve iletişim bilgilerini gizliliğini ve güvenliğini koruyarak ulusal veri tabanında arşivler. İhtiyaç duyulduğunda onaylanan belgeler arşivden çıkarılabilir.